Valery discovered Frances’ work a few years ago and started to collect her colourful bowls. She asked Frances if she would create larger scale work exclusive to Objet D’Emotion, she kindly joined us on our creative journey. Her Small Vase Form is now available as part of our selection of objects on the Objet d’Emotion online gallery. #objet_d_emotion⠀.⠀.⠀.⠀#valerydemure#jewellery#fashionjewelry#finejewellery#contemporarydesign#jewelry#finejewelry#art#modernart#sculpture#luxury#objetdemotion#handmade#instagood#designerjewellery#fashionjewellery#fineart#jewellerycollector#jewelrycollector#jewel#jewels#artisan#craftsmanship#gold Photography by @shannontofts