'is art limitless?' by Ben Vautier at PAD Monaco 2019, exhibited by Galerie de Jonckheere. This French artist is mostly known for his text-based paintings or "écritures", which begun in 1953 with his work 'Il faut manger. Il faut dormir'. In 1958, dizzy with Marcel Duchamp’s influence, Ben had his breakthrough: two three-word signs reading ‘Tout est Art’ (Everything is Art) and ‘des mots, des mots, des mots’ (the words, the words, the words). #objet_d_emotion…#valerydemure#padmonaco#benvautier#jewellery#fashionjewelry#finejewellery#contemporarydesign#jewelry#finejewelry#art#modernart#sculpture#luxury#objetdemotion#handmade#designerjewellery#fashionjewellery#fineart#jewellerycollector#jewelrycollector#preciousstone#diamonds#silver#abstractart#jewel#jewels#artisan#abstract#craftsmanship