Posted on 3rd January 2023 4th January 2023A curation of pieces from Wasson Fine Jewellery. Contact to discover unique pieces to add to your collection. #objet_d_emotion Post navigationPrevious post: Oval Sculpture (No.2) by Barbara Hepworth. The artist's abstract forms were inspired by the Cornish landscape; her work was firmly based on observation, rather than romantic interpretation, creating forms that often resembled shells and caves. Hepworth became one of the few female artists of her generation to achieve international prominence. #objet_d_emotionNext post: Painting by Georgia O'Keefe. This pioneering artist began creating her abstract works as early as 1915. She believed art could be more than simply the painting of objects on to canvas. Instead, her desire was to express something more profound, to cultivate a deeper feeling in her audience. #objet_d_emotion